Rocky Ripple, Indiana, is a captivating small town nestled within Marion County, renowned for its tight-knit community and serene surroundings. Ensconced on the banks of the White River, this gem of a town radiates an idyllic rural ambiance while boasting access to urban amenities, owing to its proximity to the bustling city of Indianapolis. Bursting with charm, Rocky Ripple is home to peaceful tree-lined streets, an eclectic mix of homes, thriving local businesses, and the vibrant Butler University nearby. Known for its friendly residents and natural beauty, Rocky Ripple embodies the spirit of small-town living with a unique blend of tranquility, community connection, and accessible city conveniences, making it an exceptional place to visit or live.
Express Auto Sales No. 1 is Rocky Ripple's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 8519 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226.